Did You Receive An Email About Your Website's SEO?


February 11th, 2022

Did You Receive An Email About Your Website's SEO?

Is It Real, Or Is It A Scam?

Every day, we start up our computer, open our email, only to be bombarded by messages of guest posts, cheap SEO, social media marketing, and other such online scams… the problem is, these emails are not only repetitive, they are scams, and oftentimes, even dangerous. Why? Well, think about it for a second… If a company is so good at SEO, why are they sending emails about their services? Surely they get enough customers due to their so-called “top notch” SEO skills, right? We are going to break down five reasons to ignore such emails, and demonstrate how they are full of crap.

  1. If a company is good at SEO, they don’t need to spam people to generate business. That should go without saying, but unfortunately, while we ignore these messages, and many of our customers do, there is always a customer that contacts us asking us if the email is true. It usually starts with some alarmist bit of info in the email, such as: “We have found that your website is not ranking on Google, we can fix this for $75 per month!” Unfortunately, some customers will contact us about this asking if it’s true, and we then give them their latest SEO stats and show them otherwise. If you get these emails, you will notice that in most cases, these emails come from a scammy website with no known origin, fake contact info, forwarding numbers, no address, and free email account, such as yahoo. Would a company that was good at SEO need to go through these measures to grow their business?
  2. If someone is good at SEO, guests posts, etc. they would not need to contact people in bulk. Real SEO is a premium service that is done by professionals. SEO for one of these type of companies, is just a revenue stream based on bulk clientele. I have stressed this before on other posts and articles, but a company that does SEO well is not going to be cheap, or charge almost nothing for their services; anymore than advertising is going to be cheap. This is not just because of the value real professionals like us bring to the table, but the reality of the fact that SEO takes time; real time. So, if proper SEO takes hours per week, how can someone charge something that amounts to a few dollars an hour? That’s because they are a bulk business, who probably has no plans on doing anything for you. If you believe they are really doing the work, do you believe they are actually good at what they are doing if they are that cheap? Good advertising is expensive for a reason; Search Engine Optimization is the same.
  3. On another point, do you think they did an analysis of your website? If you contact these companies, they will then do a quick analysis and fake the data in order to promote their services. A real SEO company can show real results, and give real world proof of the work they have done based on the results they have achieved.
  4. On that point above, do you think a free SEO analysis would be an effective means at evaluating your website? Would a company promoting their service want to be honest if they couldn’t offer you what you were already getting? These are simple questions you should be able to answer yourself. Another question, which you may not know the answer to, is about the tools used for SEO. Do you think effective SEO Analysis tools are free? Actually, some of the best ones, such as Google Analytics, are free at the moment. There are quite a few really good tools and you can read more about them here. I suggest you spend some time setting them up and reading. Once you have done that and started to gain some understanding of the process, then you will be able to make an informed decision about SEO and the type of company you use. As you will discover, it takes time to set these things up and understand how to read them. Once you can, you then need to figure out how to take action on your website to improve the results and fix items found on these tools; which again, leads me to ask, do you really think these companies are doing any of that? Also, the more advanced the need, the more expensive the tools are. The tools that we use for SEO are very expensive, and cost per client. You can check it out yourself, and once you start using these tools you will see why agencies like ours exist; SEO can be a difficult process, tools take years to master, and companies that are good at what they do, don’t need to spam people.
  5. This leads me to my final point… Did you read that news story about how that big store, credit bureau, company, government office, city officials, online business, etc… were hacked and their data stolen? I’m sure you have seen these stories and wondered how this could happen; it’s simple, it’s not just a mastermind hacker, in most cases, it’s security holes that were not protected because of cheap companies who don’t care about the security of your website. Also, in many cases, the people you are hiring might be the hackers. They simply get into companies websites, who are looking for cheap solutions, and then they gain access to their customer data, and sell that data.

Hopefully this was enough to convince you that any emails that make claims about SEO, your website, promise great articles, guarantee results, are just scammers and should never be hired. Instead, look for a reputable company with a good reputation.


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Make it Active, LLC is a full service Marketing Agency located in Dover, NH, just minutes from Portsmouth.

We offer digital marketing services, including SEO, Website Design, Marketing, and graphic design.

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  • Cheap SEO
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